Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. If about? Phone Child's NameMale or FemaleAddressZipPhone NumberAgeBirth DateSchool Grade COMPLETEDChurch HomeParent or Guardian Name & Phone NumberParent or Guardian Name & Phone NumberEmergency Contact & Phone NumberWho can pick up this student & phone number?Brothers & Sisters with ageDuring VBS I can be reached at: (with phone number)Does the child have: (YES/ NO) If yes explain. DiabetesDoes the child have: (YES/ NO) If yes explain. AllergiesDoes the child have: (YES/ NO) If yes explain. AshthmaDoes the child have any other medical condition or other concerns that the staff should know about?I give my permission for my child's picture (no names) to be on the website, Facebook, and other social media. (Yes/ No)How did you hear about our VBS program?Announcements- Will be made in church, News & Notes, Website, Facebook, etcSubmit