Read our March newsletter for more information about Dinners for Eight, Presbyterian Women, Congregational Care, Administration, and more!
White Breakfast Photos
We had another successful Ash Wednesday White Breakfast. Many thanks to the Presbyterian Women for their hard work on this.
Lenten Study
Join us for our Lenten Study series. Sunday March 1 through April 5, 5:30 – 7:00 in Fellowship Hall.
Pastor Brenda Church will lead our lessons. Bring your own brown-bag dinner. We will be studying the book Forgiveness: A Lenten Study by Marjorie J. Thompson.
Books can be purchased through the church for $10. See Brenda or Shanna in the church office to purchase. Or if you prefer an e-book, you can download from Amazon for $3. Click here for the Kindle book.
Mo Ranch Women’s Conference
May 29-31, 2020
Marking Grace: Here I Raise My Ebenezer
“…here by Thy great help I’ve come…”
– Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Robert Robinson, 1758
Keynote: Rev. Shannon Johnson Kershner (daughter of our own Jimmie and Sherry Johnson)
Register online at
Mo Ranch Men’s Conference
May 1-3, 2020
69th Annual Men’s Conference
It’s Time to Stand Tall: Who Are We Going to Be When Things Go Wrong?
Keynote: Rev. Tom Are Jr.
Pastor: Village Presbyterian Church, Prairie Village, Kan.
Scriptures: John 8:1:11; John 9:1-12; Matthew 21:1-11
Register online at
Jack Kennedy Baby Shower
A great time was had at the gift card shower for Jack Kennedy, son of Matt and Andrea.
Brenda’s Installation Service
A Service of Installation for Brenda Church as our Associate Pastor will be next Sunday, February 16, at 4:00. This is an important event in the life of our church and in Brenda’s journey. We hope you’ll make plans now to be present. Reception to follow in Fellowship Hall.