Dear Members and Friends of First Presbyterian Church of Granbury:
Since we’ve NOT pastored people through a pandemic before, we don’t know ALL the answers. But we’re paying attention to science and praying for wisdom. Together, we’ll take courage, be patient, consider the least of these and press onward while loving our neighbors. Love,
Your Session
P.S. Wash your hands!!!!
We borrowed that short note from a piece currently circulating on social media. We think it aptly addresses our response to the coronavirus situation. There is much fear about what we should be doing and how we will be impacted. We also know that there is an abundance of information being disseminated and not all sources agree on the best course of action. Don’t panic. Be calm, and let’s work through this together. There are sensible ways to address coronavirus that will help decrease the likelihood of contracting the virus and which will mitigate its impact.
Out of an abundance of caution and with the health and well-being of each one in our worshiping community, we are currently taking the following steps:
- We will refrain from shaking hands before and after worship and during the Passing of the Peace.
- Hand sanitizer has been placed at the entrances to the sanctuary. Please make use of it.
- We will refrain from passing the friendship pads and the offering plates. Offering plates will be placed near both doors for worshipers to give their offering as they come or go. The offertory during worship will be a time of silent reflection and an opportunity to offer anything to God that we may in prayer. Giving to the church may be done online if you choose through our website,
- Our services are live-streamed each Sunday morning at 8:45 and 11:00. They may be accessed through our website, They are also available on Youtube.
- We will be cleaning and sanitizing commonly used items and the surfaces of locations in our building that are frequented by members.
- We will monitor information from our presbytery/denominational sources about how best to respond. The city of Granbury has established a task force to provide information to the community. We will continue to monitor the situation weekly and will make adjustments as we have more information and better understand the situation. As changes are warranted, we will communicate those changes to you.
- For the next three weeks (through April 4), we are cancelling all other face-to-face activities at the church. Our only person-to-person gathering will be our two services of worship. This was not an easy decision to make but we are united in our compassionate desire to protect the most vulnerable members of our congregation for whom this virus would be devastating. This decision was made out of concern for each of our members.
We gather each Sunday to remind ourselves that we are not alone, that in life and in death we belong to God. Our faith is in the Sovereign God in whom we live and breathe and have our being. That faith does not alleviate fearful realities in our world but it does put them in context and that context is the reality that God is with us. Let us keep in careful contact as we move through this time together. Let’s reach out to one another and care compassionately for all those who require our help, both in our congregation and beyond. And let’s be in prayer for all the peoples of this earth who need to know the assuring presence of God in this time, while putting action to our prayers that we may be to others the abiding presence we are called to be in God’s name.
If you decide that you should not be in worship, please know that we understand and support your decision. Let’s be smart about how we respond to lessen the impact and care well for one another. Reach out to others in the church that you feel may need assistance. Practice compassion and pick up the phone and check on them. If you feel you need help, call the church office or contact a fellow church member. We are in this together. God is with us. (Joshua 1.9)
If you have questions, feel free to contact either of our pastors or one of our elders. A list of canceled activities appears below. God’s peace be with you.
The Session of First Presbyterian Church
We will evaluate the situation weekly and continue to make decisions about activities three weeks in advance. The following activities scheduled during the next three weeks (through April 4) have been cancelled for the time being. Some may be rescheduled at a later date.
- Activities by all non-church groups that utilize our building.
- All committee meetings. Committee work can be done via email.
- Gatherings of all church groups meeting at the church: Adult Church School, Presbyterian Women, Men’s Study, Disciples Bible Study, Lenten Study Series, Yoga classes.
- Newcomers/Prospective Dinner.
- Feeding Habitat Workers. Other means will be used to support Habitat rather than bringing food from homes.
- Small group dinners.
- The PW Spring Rummage Sale. We hope to reschedule this for a later date.