It is with great joy and love for one another that we will gather Friday for our first regular Presbyterian Women meeting for what seems like decades. We will meet at 10:00 a.m. to hear Couch Surfers Ministry. This is a very special and much-needed mission to homeless men in Hood County and I know we are all looking forward to what they have to say.
It is precisely because we have this great love for one another that the PW board has decided by consensus that this event will be mask MANDATORY. The Delta variant is raging in Hood County, and last year proved that the weeks after Labor Day show a surge in cases. We need to be careful of one another and love each other as Christ loved us.
We will also not be eating together. Do not bring a salad or sandwich to share. It is our great hope that we can do that together soon.
Minutes and treasurer’s report will be available to you on paper. We will have a short discussion about future plans and especially what we are going to do about the garage sale which is less than one month away.