On May 26th, we will resume our Summer Schedule of one service only, at 10:00 am. We hope you will join us!
Welcome New Members
We are pleased to welcome 6 new members to the life of our congregation. Judy Butler, Jim and Julie Dean, Wayne and Marijane Harvey, and Betty Killion. Welcome, friends!
VBS 2019 – To Mars and Beyond
Mark your calendars for Vacation Church School!
When: July 29- August 2, 9 AM to noon
What: To Mars and Beyond: Explore Where God’s Power Can Take You!
Who: Led by Nancy and Her Friends
How: Because of great volunteers like YOU!
We will again be having Vacation Church School for ages Pre-K to Grade 5. Volunteers are needed to do
everything from helping with set up/clean up to registration, from prepping snacks to teaching art, science, music and more!
Please contact Nancy Bennett (817-578-1827 or nbennett0803@gmail.com) if you’d be interested in helping.
One Great Hour of Sharing
A gift to One Great Hour of Sharing enables the church to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and helping to empower the poor and oppressed. Find an interactive world map with One Great Hour of Sharing recipients here.
One Great Hour of Sharing Helps Day Laborers in Arizona Strive for Fair Wages and Safe Working Conditions
Narciso, Feliciano, and Alberto labored hard on a construction project in the hot Arizona sun for several days. Though the work was demanding, the promise of payday kept these day laborers going. They had cupboards to fill and bills to pay.
But payday presented an unwelcome surprise for these men. They were paid for just one day of work, leaving each of them about $300 short. They felt demoralized and helpless, but they did not have to suffer in silence thanks to the Southside Worker Center in Tucson, a ministry supported by One Great Hour of Sharing gifts.
Several members from Southside Presbyterian Church, which sponsors the worker center, and other advocates went to the job site and protested the treatment that the workers received. The workers were eventually paid through the intervention of the legal clinic at the University of Arizona’s law school.
The center began in 2006 after workers expressed a need for a safe place to connect with employers, says Jimmy Wells, a board member. “It is workers organizing
themselves with the support of the church,” he says. “It really doesn’t work unless the workers take leadership in the center.”
Many workers have had limited opportunities to lead, but thanks to One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, workers have honed the skills necessary to manage the center. Using offering gifts, the Presbyterian Committee on Self-Development of People (SDOP) supported a Leadership Academy.
The Leadership Academy prepares workers to guide the center’s initiatives related to wage theft, fair wages, and safety. Some eventually become members of the worker center’s board.
“The Leadership Academy helps us identify key leaders who form the core of the work we do,” Jimmy says. “Without the support [from One Great Hour of Sharing], I don’t think we would have been able to do that.”
SDOP’s focus is consistent with the center’s ethos: promoting justice and building stronger communities. “I really appreciate that the support is not about charity, about people doing things for other people,” Jimmy explains. “It is much more about how we can create space and opportunity for people in marginalized places.”
Members of Southside Presbyterian are examples of serving the most vulnerable we have been called to stand with and to serve outside the church doors. They have shown the way, but the gifts of Presbyterians to One Great Hour of Sharing people just like us — have helped provide the means. Let us all walk out our doors to repair the
breach created by injustice.
Lenten Study
Our Lenten Series begins Sunday, March 17th, at 5:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Tim Kidd, Jimmie Johnson, Dave Treat, and Pastor Drew will lead the study on “The Passion Narratives: Four Perspectives.” Join us for study and potluck dinner. Food assignments are as follows:
New Members 2/17/19
On February 17, 2019 we welcomed 4 new members to the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, Granbury.
From Left:
Beverly McKusick, by Reaffirmation of Faith
Stephanie Mosley, by Reaffirmation of Faith
Meg and Hayward Moore, by transfer of membership from GracePoint Church, Coppell, TX