Join us Sunday, April 17th for Easter service at 8:45 or 11:00 am.
We will have pastries and coffee in Fellowship Hall between services, and an egg hunt for our kids at 10 AM.
Please bring cut flowers to add to our cross on the Sanctuary lawn.
Join us Sunday, April 17th for Easter service at 8:45 or 11:00 am.
We will have pastries and coffee in Fellowship Hall between services, and an egg hunt for our kids at 10 AM.
Please bring cut flowers to add to our cross on the Sanctuary lawn.
Friday night at 7 pm is our Tenebrae service. Tenebrae means shadows, and as we read Matthew’s account of the Passion of our Lord, we will experience the growing shadows of sin and this world’s darkness gathering around the cross.
Read along to learn about the events in the life of the church including our Mandy Thursday Communion Service, Good Friday Tenebrae Service, and Easter Services.
Part-time church organist/piano accompanist for choir available Wednesday for rehearsal and Sunday Morning Worship services.
Contact historic First Presbyterian church of Granbury at 817-573-2337 or email
Next Sunday! Family of Faith Homecoming is Sunday, March 27. The Rev. Dr. Ted Wardlaw, president of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, will be our preacher. We will have only one service that day at 10:00. All are invited to join us for lunch catered by Hard Eight Barbecue. There is no charge but reservations are necessary. Please use the sign-up sheet in the narthex or call Gail in the church office to make your reservation no later than noon tomorrow. Come celebrate this day with us!
Read along to learn about the events in the life of the church.
Join us for our Ash Wednesday breakfast at 8:30 am on Wednesday, March 2. We will meet in Fellowship Hall for breakfast, service, and the imposition of ashes.
Two Lenten Study Options!
Note: There is a change to the location of the Friday Morning Brunch study. We will meet in Memorial Hall. We’ll still have coffee, juice, and simple food.
First, we will have a Thursday evening option. This is a 6 week study on Forgiveness.
When: Every Thursday evening from 5:30-7:00 from March 3rd – April 7th
Where: Fellowship Hall, except for April 7th when we will move to a location to be determined.
What: We will use the book “Forgiveness: A Lenten Study” by Marjorie Thompson.
Food?: Brownbag! Bring your own dinner or just join us for the study! We’ll start the study at 6:00 sharp!
How Do I Sign Up:
Second, we will have a Thursday Brunch option. This is a 7 week study on The Lord’s Prayer.
When: Every Thursday morning from 10:00-11:00 from March 3rd – April 14th
Where: Memorial Hall
What: We will use the book “The Universe in 57 Words” by Carolyn Arends.
Food?: We will have coffee, juice, and simple brunch food.
How Do I Sign Up:
Choose your study or come to both! We look forward to seeing you!
–Pastor Brenda
On Sunday, February 27, we will gather for a Hymn Sing as part of our ongoing celebration of the 125th anniversary of our sanctuary. There will be one service only at 10:00. Come worship God through song and music! We will gather in Fellowship Hall to enjoy a potluck meal after.
If you are able, please bring soup (in a crockpot), sandwiches, or dessert.
Learn more about what’s happening in the life of our church